… you get the chance to speak at The Danish Parliament!

Our CEO – Søren Rasmussen was given that opportunity, when Danske Maritime invited him to speak at a conference, about the topic “Future propulsion in maritime shipping”, which was on the agenda.

The conference was opened by politician Trine Bramsen – the former Minister of Transport, current member of the transport committee, with her contribution to the topic of the day.

In his speak, Søren brought up some of the doubt questions that we get about methanol such as:
– Why should we choose methanol?
– How does the methanol fuel influence the environment and the climate?
– How does your methanol engine work?

“It was an exciting day with many interesting points of views and good dialogues! And I do of course appreciate the time that Jenny Braat from Danske Maritime gave us to speak” – quote CEO, Søren Rasmussen.

If you are intrigued and want to hear more about methanol, for a more sustainable future, please call us on + 45 70 21 34 00 or use our contact form.

Taletid på Christiansborg - Søren Rasmussen
Taletid på Christiansborg - Søren Rasmussen
Taletid på Christiansborg - Søren Rasmussen
Taletid på Christiansborg - Søren Rasmussen